Mo Show Live with Andy Hamlin and Scott Slatton

The next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Wednesday, February 3rd at 3:00 PM central time and will feature guests Andy Hamlin and Scott Slatton. In this episode, they’ll be sharing more about what role the District Attorney’s office plays in our community.

In the United States, a district attorney is the chief prosecutor for a local government area, usually a county. Essentially, they’re lawyers who represent the state in local criminal offenses and violations.  They prosecute a range of crimes, from the most serious cases of violent felonies to less serious charges of misdemeanors such as vandalism.

Andy Hamlin was appointed as the District Attorney of the 24th Judicial Circuit in 2018. The 24th Judicial Circuit includes Fayette County, Lamar County, and Pickens County. We’ll also be joined by Scott Slatton, who has been serving in the role of District Attorney at 25th Judicial Circuit Court since 2017. The 25th Judicial Circuit covers both Marion County and Winston County in Alabama.

In this episode, we’ll learn more about the difference between a lawyer and district attorney, what type of cases they handle, and the key role their office plays in the criminal justice system.

To watch this episode of the Mo Show Live with Andy Hamlin and Scott Slatton, tune in to Facebook Live or watch anytime at www.TheMoShow.Live. Additional episodes of the Mo Show Live are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question, email Morris at