Mo Show Live with Attorney and Author Johnnie Finch

Image of Mo Show Live Speaker, Johnnie FinchThe next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Wednesday, October 10th at 3:00 PM Central Time and will feature Johnnie Finch attorney and author of the new book Black Lawyer Confidential – Keys to Success. Morris and Johnnie will be discussing his new book, Johnnie’s legal career, what inspired him to go to law school, and what he hopes readers will get out of the book.

Johnnie Finch is a North Carolina attorney and has been practicing law since 2013. He practices in the areas of criminal defense, personal injury, catastrophic injury and wrongful death. Johnnie went to law school out of his passion for advocating for others. After college, Johnnie counseled teens who had been charged with crimes while working for the North Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice.

In Black Lawyer Confidential, Johnnie highlights situations and learning experiences that many students encounter in and after law school, such as time management, student interaction, race relations, and coping with heavy pressure. Johnnie also provides insight on what it’s like to practice as a minority lawyer.

Johnnie is married to his wife Meron, whom he met while she was studying divinity at Regent University. Johnnie has one son, Johnnie, III, who was born in 2016. In his spare time, he enjoys counseling and encouraging youths and young adults on topics like cyber bullying and higher education.

To watch this episode of the Mow Show Live with Johnnie Finch, tune in to Facebook Live or watch anytime at www.TheMoShow.Live.  Additional episodes of the Mo Show Live are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question, email Morris at