Mo Show Live with DJ Hampton, March of Dimes, Sr. Vice President & Chief Development Officer

photo of dj hampton and morris lilienthal

We’re excited to announce the next Mo Show Live will air Tuesday, November 12th at 3:00 PM Central Time, and will feature DJ Hampton, National March of Dimes Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer. March of Dimes is an organization near and dear to our firm family. For the past 80 years, the March of Dimes has done amazing work helping mothers, babies, their families and doctors through year-round advocacy, research, education and direct support.

Each year, Morris and his family rallies and raises money for Team Will in honor of their late son, Will Lilienthal. We’re happy to have Mr. Hampton as a guest during November’s Prematurity Awareness Month, which impacted 10% of all births in 2018. Throughout the month — leading up to November 17th, World Prematurity Day — March of Dimes is shining a spotlight on this issue and how everyone has the opportunity to help. On the show, we’ll be discussing March of Dime’s mission, research, and the powerful resources they make available to medical providers, families and policymakers.

To watch this episode of the Mo Show Live, tune in to Facebook Live or watch anytime at www.TheMoShow.Live.  Additional episodes of the Mo Show are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question, email Morris at