This past Friday night my wife, 3 month old and I were traveling on U.S. Highway 82 which connects Tuscaloosa to Pickens County, Alabama when we came upon a road block in the city of Gordo. If you have ever driven through Gordo you know to slow down. I was driving my wife’s SUV and after a minute of panic by my wife who couldn’t find her insurance card, we pulled up to have my license and insurance information checked. I must admit I knew the Sheriff’s deputy so he didn’t really even look at my information; however, while we were waiting on the next officer to check our information and allow us on our way I said to my wife I think road blocks such as this are a good thing.
Think for a minute all the things that can be checked in such a simple roadblock. These items include: drivers license, tag, automobile insurance, seat belt, car seat for children, and drivers who are driving under the influence. While these types of road blocks can be a “pain” and certainly give you an adrenaline rush as you look for your license and insurance card they serve a good purpose to help keep our highways safe. While I have no statistics to back it up, I firmly believe drivers who do not have a driver’s license and/or are uninsured tend not to be as safe a driver.