Life sometimes presents you with the rare opportunity to be a part of something truly special, and Saturday night was one of those occasions. I had the privilege and honor to be a part of Eddie Ceitlin’s 105th birthday party. Turning 105 is a truly mind boggling feat in and of itself. Somehow, Eddie makes this feat even more truly amazing. At 105 Eddie still lives at home in Mountain Brook and is able to carry on a fluid conversation.
As Eddie’s family and friends gathered for his informal party at a local bbq restaurant, Eddie shows up fashionably late in his Alabama sweatshirt. As everyone crowds around to say a congratulatory word to Eddie I over hear him say whose the party for? As everyone settles in, my cousin Jay presents his grandfather with a autographed picture from Nick Saban wishing Eddie at Happy 105th Birthday. Any true tide fan would have been honored to have Saban sign them a picture for their birthday; however, it was Nick Saban who had the honor. After everyone settled in I walked over to say a word to Eddie and wish him a happy birthday. I introduced Eddie to my 14 month old son Wyatt and Eddie leaned forward and gave him a kiss. Amazing!
Life is such a precious gift and we should all learn from Eddie Ceitlin to live it to its fullest. Coach Saban talks of “finishing” the game and all I can say is Eddie Ceitlin is truly “finishing” the game of life. Happy Birthday Eddie!