New DUI Law in Alabama Carries Stronger Penalties

A new Driving Under the Influence (DUI) law in Alabama hopes to crack down on drunk drivers and drinking and driving car accidents. The new DUI law, which will be signed into law today by Governor Robert Bentley, will increase the severity of penalty if the driver is more intoxicated. Currently, it is illegal to drive if you blood alcohol level (BAL) is .08 or higher. But the severity of the penalty does not increase if your BAL is higher than .08. Under this new DUI law. if a driver’s BAL is over .15 they will automatically lose their drivers license for one year. See Senate Bill 67.

As Huntsville car accident attorneys who handle drinking and driving automobile accidents routinely, this new law is a step in the right direction. Sadly, we too often see the life changing results that occur when people make the deadly decision to drink and drive. For more information on this matter please, see our DUI car accidents page.