The Huntsville car accident attorneys at Martinson & Beason are pleased to announce they have reached a pre-litigation auto accident settlement for our client who was injured in August of 2009. The Madison County car wreck occurred around 5:30 pm on Interstate 565. Based upon the facts of the motor vehicle accident, we were prepared to present evidence that the at-fault driver was texting while driving on an Interstate at rush hour. We are happy that we were able to reach a just and fast resolution for our injured client.
This case is a prime example of why it’s important to hire an experienced Alabama Car Accident Lawyer. Often the difference between winning a case and losing a case or getting a just settlement or award at trial is a proper investigation to determine the cause of the wreck. In this case, we were able to determine based upon our investigation that the subject car accident was caused by a driver who was texting while driving.
For more information on the dangers of distracted driving, see