Search Results for: Mobile

State Farm Insurance Tennessee Auto Accident Claims

It is likely you’ve heard the “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there,” jingle, along with dozens of other insurance company mottoes and commercials, if you watch any television at all. It can be difficult to distinguish insurance company promises from reality for most of us. After all, we…

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The General Insurance Car Accident Claims

 Perhaps you chose your insurance company based on a particularly catchy slogan which promised they would stand behind you in the event you had an auto accident. You have faithfully paid your premiums every month, and now, the unthinkable happens—a negligent driver caused a car accident and you are left…

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Esurance Car Accident Claims

 When you purchased your insurance, you almost certainly assumed your insurance company would protect you, if the day ever came when you were involved in an automobile accident. You expected your insurance company to pay for your automobile repairs, to cover your medical expenses, and, in general, to actually come…

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Access Insurance Car Accident Claims

Your insurance company—like most insurance companies today—likely used some sort of catchy recruiting slogan to convince you they would be understanding, compassionate, attentive to your needs and even friendly in the event you had an auto accident. Unfortunately, the cute or catchy slogans, and the funny, friendly commercials, don’t tell…

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A Warning to Company Drivers – Many Companies Waive Uninsured Motorist Coverage for their Employees

What happens if you're in an accident while on the job?

Driving a company car, truck or van is a daily occurrence for many employees. As someone who drives as a part of their job, you’re at an increased risk to be involved in a motor vehicle accident simply by the fact you’re on the road a lot. So, what happens if you’re in a car accident while on the job? If you’re involved in an automobile accident while on the job you have 2 types of legal claims available to you. The first is a workers’ compensation claim. In a nutshell, if you’re injured on the job workers comp is responsible for paying all your accident-related medical expenses. Moreover, they will also be obligated to pay you a portion of your average weekly wage while you’re out of work. The second type of claim is a claim against the at-fault driver of the car accident, which is often known as a 3rd party case. Further, if the at-fault driver does not have any insurance coverage or if your injuries and damages in the wreck exceed the insurance policy limits of the at-fault driver you can make also make a claim for uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage.

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Alabama’s Non-Profit Millionaires

Non-Profit doesn’t have to mean penniless, as recent reporting from and the Wall Street Journal informs us. In fact, over 2,700 individuals from across the United States received compensation from a non-profit in excess of $1 million during 2014, the last year consistent data is available. In Alabama, there…

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