Month: August 2009

Separate Huntsville Alabama Area Car Accidents Lead to 4 Deaths

This past week has seen a rash of tragic Huntsville area car wrecks. The first car accident occurred in Madison at the intersection of Wall Triana Highway and Gooch Lane. Sadly, this wreck claimed the life of a pregnant woman and her unborn child. The second fatal auto accident occurred on Highway 53 about 10 miles north of Huntsville. This was a single car accident, which resulted in the death of the driver. The third fatal car accident involved 5 cars at the intersection of Jordan Lane and University Drive in Huntsville. According to a report in the Huntsville Times, the at-fault driver drove into the rear of a line of cars that were waiting to turn in a turning lane. Early reports indicated that the at-fault driver may have had a medical emergency such as a heart attack or stroke.

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Driving Under the Influence Arrest for Women on the Rise

A recently released NHTSA study shows a near 30% increase in the number of women arrested nationally for driving under the influence. The study also revealed that in 2008 there were 36 fatal Alabama car accidents that involved a female driver with a blood alcohol content equal to .08 or higher. Further, in 2008 there were 257 fatal Alabama car accidents that involved a male driver with a blood alcohol content equal to .08 or higher. While the number of DUI arrest for men decreased by about 7.5%, the number of males arrested for DUI trumped the number of females by four to one. According to NHTSA about 2000 fatalities a year involve an impaired female driver.

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Alabama Car Accident Statistics for Labor Day Holiday

Alabama car accident attorney - Labor Day auto wreck statisticsAlabamians will soon take to the roads on the upcoming Labor Day holiday. More cars and trucks on Alabama's roads will ultimately lead to a spike in Alabama auto accidents for the long holiday weekend. In 2007, during the 78 hour Labor Day holiday weekend 7 people were killed in Alabama car wrecks. In 2006, during the same 78 hour window, 11 people were killed in Alabama car accidents. For 2006 and 2007, of the six (6) major holidays - New Years; Memorial Day; July 4th; Labor Day; Thanksgiving; and Christmas - Labor Day has seen the fewest number of people killed on Alabama's highways.

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Tuscaloosa Car Accident Likely Caused by Excessive Speed

A multi-car accident occurred on 15th Street in Tuscaloosa when the driver of one vehicle lost control of his vehicle while traveling at a high rate of speed. According to a report on the car wreck in the Tuscaloosa News, the car accident involved six cars and sent two drivers to the hospital. In 2007, there were 3,578 Alabama car accidents where the primary cause of the wreck was driving over the speed limit. Unfortunately, many drivers often ignore the posted speed limits and the results can be deadly.

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North Alabama Car Accident with Train has Fatal Result

A Mississippi woman was tragically killed when the car she was riding in was struck by a train on Tuesday August 4th in Colbert County, Alabama. According to a report inFlorence's TimesDaily newspaper, the crossing where this car wreck occurred has flashing lights and crossbars. The report indicates the driver of the car went around the crossbars and was struck by the train on the passenger side and pushed off the road about 70 feet from the point of impact. The driver of the car was flown from the scene to Huntsville Hospital. This is the 31st automobile accident that has resulted in a fatality in northwest Alabama. According to the Alabama Department of Public Safety, in 2008, there were 84 train/automobile wrecks that resulted in 10 deaths and 34 injuries in Alabama. This is an increase from 2007, where there were 72 train/automobile wrecks that resulted in 14 deaths and 25 injuries.

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