Month: March 2020
Coronavirus Update: What Alabama Employers and Employees Need to Know
The Coronavirus pandemic is forcing Alabama workplaces to adapt to new ways of doing business and unfortunately raising the specter of widespread unemployment claims. Unemployment may be available to employees who become unemployed due to no fault of their own. An employee working reduced hours because of COVID-19 may be eligible in some instances.
Mo Show Live with Rick Karle of WVTM 13 News
The next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Wednesday, March 18th at 2:00 PM central time and will feature Rick Karle who co-hosts WVTM-13’s morning news program. Morris and Rick will be discussing sports, Rick’s career in broadcasting, as well as his interest in human interest stories.
Mo Show Live with Madison Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Burton Moffett
The next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Wednesday, March 4th at 5:00 PM central time and will feature Dr. Burton Moffett of the Madison Pediatric Dentistry. Morris and Dr. Moffett will be discussing the importance of good dental health in children, how to get your kids motivated, what to expect on a visit to the pediatric dentist and more.