Mo Show Live with Colleen Sheehey-Church, National President of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
The next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Wednesday, August 29th at 3:00 PM central time and will feature Colleen Sheehey-Church, the president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Morris and Colleen will be discussing the impact of drunk driving on communities and its residents, what MADD is doing to combat drunk driving, and what you can do to get involved with MADD and how to prevent your loved ones from drinking and driving. MADD was founded in 1980 by Ms. Candace Lightner after her 13-year old daughter was killed by a drunk driver. Since then MADD has grown exponentially, with at least one MADD office in each state and an office in each Canadian province. Though MADD has had an impact on decreasing drunk driving, it is still a problem in this country and in the State of Alabama, in particular. On average, there are 279 drunk driving deaths per year in Alabama, and 27% of all traffic fatalities involve drunk driving. These numbers must improve and until there are no more victims of drunk driving, MADD will vigorously push for stricter and tougher DUI laws.