Month: August 2012

Important Information Regarding Children and Head Injuries

HelmetHead injuries are not something to take lightly. The CDC estimates that 1.7 million people in the country sustain a traumatic brain injury every year, and these injuries contribute to a third of all injury-related deaths in the United States. Children, especially those between the ages of 0 and 4 and the ages of 15 and 19, are the most likely to sustain these injuries, which is why education about the dangers of head injuries is so important. Because of the long-term effects that head injuries can have, parents should learn all they can about this common childhood injury.

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Should you add a child’s name to your deed in Alabama?

Estate planning: should you add your child's name to your deed?You really need to think it through before you add someone's name to your Alabama deed because it could cause a lot of unintended pain. Theoretically, adding your child's name to the deed to your home is a good move because it's a way to avoid the time and expense associated with probate. But doing so could create problems for you for a number of reasons.

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What’s a living trust and how does it work in Alabama?

Living trusts in AlabamaA "living trust" is simply a trust you create while you're alive, rather than one that is created at your death. Different kinds of living trusts can help you avoid probate, reduce estate taxes, or set up long-term property management. The following discussion concerns different categories of assets and whether transfer into a living trust makes sense. First up: real estate. If you are like most people, the most valuable thing you own is real estate. Many people create a living trust just to make sure a house does not go through probate. Substantial probate costs can be saved by transferring real estate through a living trust which is why so many people are interested in creating living trusts for the property they own.

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