Mo Show Live with Director & Producer Tim Reischauer
The next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Wednesday June 13th at 3:00 PM central and will feature Tim Reischauer, Director and Producer of the upcoming movie Only Easy Day. Morris and Tim will be discussing the movie’s upcoming release and the issues Veterans face, like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), homelessness, access to healthcare, and more.
Only Easy Day is a story of courage, loss and salvation and features the life of Veteran Bradley Johnson, who is stuck between his dark past and hopeful future. Complicating his life is the hidden burden of PTSD which takes a toll on Bradley and his family and friends. The story resonates with Veterans and their families and is especially poignant in communities with a large military presence such as Huntsville. The movie was also shot and produced in Huntsville and the surrounding areas.