Month: July 2010

Huntsville Initiates Texting While Driving Ban

The city of Huntsville, AL has just passed a new -"Eyes on the Road Ordinance" - which will take effect September 20th. This new law will make it illegal to text and read emails while driving in the city limits of Huntsville. The new law prohibits the following: texting, reading e-mail, scrolling through music files, and viewing YouTube. The law also prohibits programming a destination into a satellite navigation unit while driving. Huntsville becomes the fifth city in Alabama to pass a texting ban. The other cities include: Birmingham, Vestavia Hills, Jacksonville and Roanoke in Randolph County. One concern with the law is how will the law be enforced.

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Martinson & Beason Launches Facebook Site

M&B is pleased to announce that we have launched a firm Facebook fan page. This page will be used to keep our present and former clients, friends of the firm, and our community apprised of various legal matters, including product safety and recalls, consumer affairs information and overall legal guidance…

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Deck Collapses in Hoover, AL Apt Complex Killing One & Injuring 6 Others

The collapse of third (3rd) story deck at the Waterford Landing Apartments located in Hoover, Alabama has tragically claimed the life of one Alabama resident and injured 6 others. The collapse happened Sunday night - July 4th - when 7 people were standing on the deck when it gave way sending the people crashing into the deck below. 25 year-old Gerald Andrew (Drew) Scribner an Iraq War Veteran was killed in the collapse. Initial reports indicate the deck was last inspected by the city of Hoover when it was built 15 years ago.

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