Month: May 2010

Alabama Supreme Court Races More Important Than Ever

While this a gubernatorial election year in Alabama, arguably the most important state wide races that will affect the average Alabamian are the races for the Alabama Supreme Court. While there are legitimate concerns over frivolous lawsuits and judicial activism a real concern that most Alabamians don't recognize until they need it is equal access to Justice. A review of the Alabama Supreme Court's pro Corporate America decisions shed some light on the difficulty the average Alabamian has in gaining equal access to Justice. Judicial conservatives and pro-business candidates tout caps on damages as a means of "tort reform" to reduce frivolous lawsuits and lower insurance rates; however, how many individuals, property owners, small businessmen, fishermen, and others in the Gulf Coast would now think BP's liability for the untold Billions in damages they are causing should be capped?

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Settlement Reached in Huntsville Alabama Car Wreck Caused by Texting Driver

The Huntsville car accident attorneys at Martinson & Beason are pleased to announce they have reached a pre-litigation auto accident settlement for our client who was injured in August of 2009. The Madison County car wreck occurred around 5:30 pm on Interstate 565. Based upon the facts of the motor vehicle accident, we were prepared to present evidence that the at-fault driver was texting while driving on an Interstate at rush hour. We are happy that we were able to reach a just and fast resolution for our injured client. This case is a prime example of why it's important to hire an experienced Alabama Car Accident Lawyer. Often the difference between winning a case and losing a case or getting a just settlement or award at trial is a proper investigation to determine the cause of the wreck.

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