Have you or someone you know taken or been prescribed the prescription drug, Actemra? Take a look at our infographic to learn more about the potential dangers of Actemra and contact the lawyers at Martinson & Beason if you have been harmed by dangerous drugs. CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW…
Seven Tips for Maintaining Brain Health and Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s
Unfortunately, over five million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease, and a new senior is diagnosed every 66 seconds, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Frighteningly, Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. Cognitive health is an important part of maintaining happiness and high quality of life in your golden years. Although you can’t completely eliminate your chances of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia, there are certain things you can do to significantly reduce your risk. Consider implementing the following seven tips into your daily routine for your brain health:
Have a Daily Cup of Coffee – One coffee chemical (eicosanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamide or EHT) has been shown through scientific research to protect against the development of dementia. The caffeine in coffee also improves brain health through consolidating memories. However, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. In this case, too much coffee can lead to high blood pressure. Moderation is key.
ADA Compliance in the 21st Century: Four Companies Settle Suits
Recently, McDonald’s, Kmart, Grubhub and Empire Today settled lawsuits brought against them for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act. A similar suit against Ace Hardware remains. The claims were brought in federal court in Illinois, and allege that the companies’ websites and apps are not accessible to the blind. The plaintiffs were represented by The Dann Law Firm and were dismissed between October 11th and October 30th.
The Blind are Active Smartphone Users through Accessibility Features
Smartphones have become nearly ubiquitous in today’s office environment. Considering most people engage visually with their smartphone, many people are surprised to learn that the blind are also active smartphone users through accessibility technology. For instance, blind iPhone users use VoiceOver, which reads out the text on apps and websites. However, some companies have not kept pace, as the lawsuit contends.
Common examples of accommodations include wheelchair ramps and braille signs. However, the current suits contend that in order for the disabled to engage in today’s tech-heavy world, accommodations should be made for websites and apps as well. This includes apps like Grubhub, which delivers food to customers in their homes. This could be a helpful tool for a disabled person.
Martinson & Beason, P.C. named 2017 Finalist for BBB Torch Award
Martinson & Beason, PC is pleased to announce its selection as a Finalist for the 2017 Better Business Bureau of North Alabama Torch Awards for Ethics, which honors businesses and non-profits in the North Alabama area who demonstrate “the highest standards of business practices to create trust” among employees, customers, and community members. The Torch Awards were started in 1998 to build marketplace trust in the community. This year marks the 20th Torch Awards.
As the special election to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ vacant United States Senate seat heats up, and pundits suggest a variety of far-fetched scenarios, some Alabamians may be asking themselves “what does the law actually say?” After all, our elections must adhere to state and federal law if we value a fair electoral process. Others may be asking themselves how we reached this point in the special election. Regardless of your political persuasions, the process must play out by the letter of the law. This article will take a deeper dive into just what that law says.
Background: How We Got to Now
As Alabama voters are aware, a vacancy was created when President Donald Trump appointed then-Senator Sessions as Attorney General. Then-Governor Robert Bentley appointed Luther Strange to fill that vacancy on February 9, 2017. The appointment quickly came under scrutiny, as critics pointed to Strange’s ongoing investigation into Governor Bentley’s office. Strange’s appointment was temporary until a special election could be held, pursuant to Ala. Code § 36-9-7. Governor Bentley originally scheduled that special election for the regular election cycle in 2018; however, Governor Kay Ivey rescheduled that election for 2017. The Primary was held August 15 and the runoff September 26. The general election is scheduled for December 12.
Exploding Gas Tank Leads to Another Lawsuit for Chrysler
Fiat-Chrysler is facing a hefty lawsuit in Georgia stemming from the death of a thirty-two year old woman who was incinerated after the gas tank in her 1996 Jeep Cherokee exploded after a collision. The woman was hit from behind while waiting to make a left turn. Upon impact, her trailer hitch was jammed into her vehicle’s gas tank allowing gas to seep out.
The lawsuit alleges that Chrysler has known for a number of years that a gas tank positioned behind the rear axle posed a risk of explosion and that Chrysler failed to do anything to correct the problem. In the subject vehicles, the gas tank hangs below the rear bumper, which can be perilous in rear-end collisions. The exploding gas tanks have caused some to refer to the defective vehicles as this generation’s Ford Pinto.
Another Georgia case – in which the jury awarded $150 million against Chrysler – is currently pending before the Georgia Supreme Court. That verdict, however, was reduced to $40 million. In that case, a 4-year old boy died in a vehicle fire after his Jeep vehicle was hit from behind. The Plaintiff’s lawyers called the vehicle indefensible. The verdict consisted of $30 million for wrongful death and $10 million for pain and suffering. Alabama’s wrongful death statute is peculiar in that it only allows punitive damages and not compensatory damages.